- by Super User /
- Category: Announcements /
- Published: 26 December 2018 /
- Hits: 4575 /
December 26, 2018
The Science committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan under Fostering Productive Innovation Project announces the contest for selection of Technology Transfer/Commercialization Offices at the universities of the Republic Kazakhstan.
The contest documentation is available on the websites of the Science Committee MOES RK (www.sc.edu.gov.kz) and the Project Management Unit of the Fostering Productive Innovation Project (www.fpip.kz). Consultations on clarification of the contest documentation and on preparation of applications may be obtained by telephone: 8(7172)74-24-85, 8 (778) 437-50-16, 8(701) 888-95-79.
Representatives of Operator responsible for consultations on the contest documentation and preparation of applications - Akshalova Asem, Utegulov Alan, Mambetov Karassay.
Applications can be submitted from December 26th 2018 to January 14th 2019 until 18:00 Astana time.
All applications must be sent in Russian or Kazakh in electronic format (PDF and Word-format) to email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with mandatory submission on paper media to the SC MOES RK (in sealed envelopes) to the following address: Astana, 010000, Mangilik El Avenue, 8, Entrance 11, House of Ministries.